top overall score for the three day event
Dear Paul,
On behalf of AAFTA we would like to say a big THANK YOU to Paul’s Custom Targets for being a sponsor of the AAFTA Field Target National Championship in Aguadilla Puerto Rico!
We were glad to have your support and include you on social media spots and the event jersey. Your faceplates, reducers and practice targets were a nice addition to our auction!
We have announced that the 2023 AAFTA Nationals will be in North East Ohio! Planning for that event has already begun and we hope to partner with you again next year. More on that to come! We are always open to suggestions and comments about our Sponsor Program and how to make it work best for you. Feel free to message us any time!
Thanks again!
Philip Hepler
Hi, My name is Paul Porch. I started to shoot field target after I took my second retirement.
I retired from then Federal Express (now FedEx) and then from the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
I first shot FT with a friend and I enjoyed the sport. So I joined the Tar heel Airgun Club. (THAGC) After going to matches at our club and others, I thought the targets, like the Famous GAMO squirrel ,were too thin. They always were failing and being dented up bad. Since I needed some targets for me to practice with at my home course, I elected to use my plasma cutter to make my own.
I first copied the link system on the GAMOs. That system was not to my liking, so I experimented with other ways to make the targets work.
After several years I finally settled on my spring assisted trigger system. Then friends asked if I would make some for them, and you can guess what happened next? Not retired anymore!
Actually I am retired as I have the shop on my 2.5 acre property in rural North Carolina. I can make my own hours and breaks when I want. But my work ethic wont let me ,and I make the targets ASAP when an order arrives.
I shoot at Grand Prix field target events around the US and Puerto Rico. I am usually, but not always, in the top 3 spots at these events. Not saying that I don’t have bad events where I flop. There have been many over the years. But at 70 years old, I feel great to be out shooting in Open class and soon WFTF. Not to mention, besting shooters that I have lived one to several of their lifetimes…LOL
The best thing I love about the sport is the people. We all, in general, share our secrets to shooting, and are willing to mentor those starting out. I personally mentored many shooters new, and some not so new with the best advice I can give. I allways preface my advice with ” If it works for you , keep it, If not ,throw it out!. I will not be offended” Not all things you do work for all.
I now tune rifles and pistols, machine barrels, make parts, make risers, and repair air guns along with the powder burners I have repaired for years. I love what I do! If you want to talk abut Air Guns, Field Target, ask Advice, etc, call me.
Remember I said I am retired ………and can spend the time….. Thank you for reading this…. Shoot straight, hit the KZ, and then brag about it!