To Order call: 910-622-7632 or email; If no answer, leave a msg, I am in the shop!

Cannot be made into a ROR replacement face plate


Can have round eyes and be green or gray

Black or red

$65 4 piece set

Kiil zones 3/8″ – 1/2″ – 3/4″
This target is specifically designed to be small and put into a hollow of a tree!
I Have made a metal tree and beware sign for my course… See right..

Put the troll target at left, inside a tree hollow.
I can make you a tree like above if needed..
$ 145

(Shown with a 3/4″ kill zone)
Cannot be made into a ROR replacement faceplate..

Can be made into a ROR replacement faceplate but will be shorter at the bottom.